Welcome Here & Now
Circles . Ceremony
Healing . Teaching
Sweet Dreams
The Moon
Room 222
Apprentice . Protégé
Laurel Lyons
Loving . Service
"The Origin Medicines"
Present Life Progression
Rates . Reciprocity
Zadya Po Veba

Circles have held humans together since the beginning of time. A circle represents unity to host the sharing of common interests.  These interests are focused on particular beliefs and practices. To gather in a circle is to offer up the best of who you are and to lovingly share your best with others. Every thing that nature does, it does in a circle. To offer reverence to the circles and nature cycles is to flow will the All That Is.

I love to gather circles together. Creator has the way with all of this, the way is The Beauty Way of The Great Mystery.

Ceremony may be created of the simplest to the greatest of things, all that falls in between may be ceremony too.  Gratitude creates a union of our Higher Power and our Higher Self. When a ceremony comes our way, whether we are alone or with others it helps to open the heart. It is good to be in ceremony, it allows our Souls to grow. It is good to hold ceremony each day, at least once a day simply because it is good practice for living.

Sohanna .. .. ..


RITES OF PASSAGE ~ Because we all have rites .. .. .. 

Bless the Babes ~ a sweet welcome for the courageous new comers and to place all care givers  in alignment with the young one. We want to show them dignity and reverence, abundant love and comfort.  The young ones are the fully embodied wise ones, knowing what they need to know at the time of birth.  The birth process and the welcoming, details for the babes how much they will remember and how they will be supported for who they are meant to be.

Burning Bowl Ceremony ~ This ceremony takes place during a pause in time when great change is coming or is wanted, so that we may clearly see our lives and see how we are living. The ceremony creates ways to change, to lovingly allow the past to be the past. It connects us to a vital awareness of what is truly important, as we go forward into a new day and a new way.

Shamanic Death Walking ... Dying Consciously ~ The Birth Into The Spirit World - I've faced my own death light a few times. I've held and released many to their rebirth into the Spirit World. I've supported the ones left to grieve their loss of a loved one. Honoring, witnessing and supporting the release of a beloved allows the departing one a sweeter journey into the Spirit Realm, for "The Souls Great Journey".

Dying Consciously Practitioner & Counselor ~ I am a "Shamanic Death Walker" with significant experiences of being one that is near when many have ended their Earth Walk. Because of this, I realized that it was natural for me to be for the departing ones at the time of their Beauty Way Journey. I received the teachings and certification of the ways of Dying Consciously through The Institute for Energy Medicine in 2008.

First Moon - Honor The Female Child ~ When we honor our young one with their rites of passage into maturity, they grow closer to themselves so that they may honor the ways of nature. This kind of respect creates a vital sense of self, of hope and of strength in young females.

Sacred Union of Eye to Eye, Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul ~ Commitment Ceremony (a.k.a marriage) Bonding in Love -  Woman to Man, Woman to Woman, Man to Man. I'm available to support all possibilities of Sacred Union that have the intention and purpose to support love and goodness shared.

Ordained Minister ~ Certificate of Ministry